Jane Green
The Official Home of New York Times Bestselling Author

When I buy a cookbook

April 6th, 2015

photoshootI’m busy getting ready for the big cookbook photoshoot in a couple of weeks. We’re planning sumptuous food (and super easy, as anyone who has cooked my recipes will know), and even more sumptuous photography. I have realised that when I buy a cookbook, it’s not just the writing that I love, it’s the photographs that make me want to recreate the dish in my own kitchen.

There are those who say people who love cookbooks fall into two camps – those that read them like novels, and those for whom beautiful photographs are like food porn! I’m hoping my cookbook will satisfy both, filled with stories from my life, and gorgeous pictures by an incredibly talented photographer that is, as far as I’m concerned, the find of the year. If you like cookbooks, what do you look for in a cookbook – the stories or the pictures, and which are your favorites?

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