Jane Green
The Official Home of New York Times Bestselling Author

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The Jane Green Shop on Amazon is Open For Business!

December 8th, 2017


Jane Green Launches a Store On Amazon

Amazon recently sent me an email saying that because they had targeted me as an Influencer, they were offering me a Jane Green shop on Amazon. All the people who write to me saying they love the style of my Westport home, Creaky Cottage, my kitchen, my parties, my pillows, can now find everything I love in my very own Amazon store.

Where Do You Get Your Glass Jars?

From my kitchen and Creaky Cottage, to the parties I throw, and even the way I decorate for the holidays, you can find most of the things I love in my Amazon store. From the dishes I use, to the glass storage jars that hold all my dry goods, to the soft, cozy touches that make Creaky Cottage a home, it’s all available in the Jane Green shop on Amazon! I’ve even got my favorite books, cookbooks, and the journals I use.

As many of you know, I am a big shopper. I love shoppJane-Green-kitchen-amazon-shop-glass-jars-storage-open-shelvesing, and more than shopping, I love a bargain. Sometimes I will spend outrageous amounts of money, but more often the thrill I get is from finding deals, and I have become something akin to a professional bargain hunter online. So whilst some of the items are expensive, most are affordable, and all will transform your house into a stylish, welcoming, cozy home.

Jane-Green-Holiday-Entertaining-Decorating-Amazon-ShopOh, reader! You have no idea how blissful the last twenty four hours has been! I have been up for two nights filling my shop with all the things I love most in the world. I’ve got books that I love, jars that I want, and almost everything that I have in my kitchen (plus everything I am doubtless about to own). I keep looking at the items in my shop, and it’s like looking at a style board for Creaky Cottage.

Jane Green Home

If you’ve written to me asking where I get my big glass kitchen jars, or my burlap tablecloths, or my accessories, you will find many of them in my shop.

Take a look at my Amazon shop here – I would love to hear what you think!



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The Gap In The Doors of The Loos is Not Nearly As Nice As New York

December 6th, 2017

I am very happy as an English woman living in America, and there are many things that are truly wonderful about this country (clue: but the loos aint one of them). When I moved here, having been brought up on a diet of American films and television shows, I presumed that everything in America was bigger, better, and glossier.

It’s true, some things are. New York, for example, remains one of the most vibrant cities in the world. The service industry here is truly an industry, and people leap to help (which is still something of a pleasure, seventeen years on). Hamburgers and pizza are excellent, as are chips (and when I say chips, I mean French fries, which are invariably better than anything I ate on the other side of the pond).

The roads are wide and easy to navigate, especially in California. Admittedly, the traffic is terrible, but with six huge lanes, who cares? Also, there are three million satellite radio channels to while away the hours you spend sitting in traffic, so it’s all rather enjoyable.

Speaking of cars, the cars are enormous, and luxurious! I’m sure the UK is catching up, but everyone here drives monster cars (including me), which aren’t really cars, they’re more like our own private universes.

But there are a few things that continue to puzzle me, even after seventeen years. You can’t find a decent cup of tea to save your life. Also, herbal tea does not count as tea, which should be PG Tips or Tetley’s, and come with copious amounts of milk and sugar. Americans also do not say please and thank you as much as we do, and often, I have noticed that instead of saying “you’re welcome”, or “it’s a pleasure,” they say, “uh huh”. Which is just odd. But the thing that worries me most, is the gap in the public loos.

All the bathroom stalls in this country seem to have not only gaps top and bottom (understandable, and not terrible – on cop shows they can always look underneath to see if someone has overdosed), but, and this is the bit that continues to bother me, they also have huge gaps on the side. THE SIDE. What are they thinking?

I’m not talking about a sliver through which daylight can shine, I’m talking, in many cases, about a good three quarters of an inch, which doesn’t sound like a lot, until you are minding your own business in what you assume is the privacy of your cubicle, and you find yourself making eye contact with someone standing by the sinks.

The people at Buzzfeed are also confused, and I don’t blame them.

I don’t understand it. There seems little point in even having a door. I always heave a sigh of relief when there’s a hook at the top and I’m wearing a drapey scarf that I can expertly drape to cover the gap.

Once upon a time, I was able to avoid public loos entirely. Now, as a middle-aged woman, I find it is not so easy. I shall just have to make sure I bring my scarves, and fill my bag with double-sided sellotape.

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A Bestselling Chick Lit Author Drives What?

November 28th, 2017

bestselling-chick-lit-author-Jane-Green-DrivesJust how swanky is the world of bestselling chick lit author, Jane Green?

This bestselling chick lit author has been driving a big old truck for over ten years, and it wasn’t new when I bought it. It is a Land Cruiser, which is the truck the Peace Corps drive all over Africa, because they are insanely reliable, and good for around four or five hundred thousand miles (by the way, I don’t really write chick lit anymore, but I am credited with originating a genre, so there it is…).
My car never lets me down, but recently, when I have been a passenger in new cars that friends have bought, I find myself ever so slightly pining for something a little fancier. Every now and then I think, hey, I’m a bestselling chick lit author! I want something swanky and posh! I want a car that has Bluetooth rather than a cassette deck! I want a car that connects to my iphone! I want a car that has auto pilot (I realize on some level I want Knight Rider)!

Would a Jaguar suit a bestselling chick lit author?

I decided it was time to treat myself, so I spent last Saturday at all the local car dealerships, thinking I deserved a luxury car. I started with a Porsche Macan (it felt like a cockpit). I moved on to an Audi, then a Range Rover. I threw in the Jaguar because it was right there, and corrected the salesman who kept calling it “JagWAR.” I said it wasn’t a “JagWAR”, it was a “JAG-ewe-er”, to which he said, essentially, when in America…
I decided not to argue, but frankly, it is not a JagWAR, and probably isn’t much of a JAG-ewe-er, it’s more of a Jag, but things were getting complicated, and I knew he wouldn’t understand about 80’s wide boys driving XJS’s in England, so I left it.
We spent the day driving these spectacular cars up and down the highway. They were fast! And light! And they connected with my iphone! They did things like flash lights if another car was coming too close to the side, and self-correct if you were distracted and veering off to one side.
They were all gorgeous, and I couldn’t decide what would suit me best. My favorite was the Range Rover, although I just kept feeling it was a bit too much of a status car for me. I am not one for flashy designer labels, and it felt a bit like the ultimate designer label.
At the end of the day, I climbed back in my trusty Land Cruiser. I rested my elbow on the rest in the middle, which is exactly the right height for me, and I plugged the cord that runs from the cassette into my iphone so I could play my music in the car. I drove home, and it was comfortable, and cozy, and the nicest drive of the day.
I’m not ready. I may think I deserve a new car, but I realize that not only do I not need one, I don’t even want one. I have at least two hundred and fifty thousand miles to go.
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Getting ready for Tom Perrotta as the first Jane Green Book Club Pick…

November 14th, 2017

Two more days to go until Tom Perrotta, author of Mrs Fletcher,tom-perrotta-jane-green-book-club joins the Jane Green Book Club for its inaugural book!

Tom Perrotta Joins The Jane Green Book Club!

Don’t forget, Tom Perrotta​ will be live on this facebook page: www.facebook.com/janegreenbookclub on Thursday November 16th at 8pm, EST, and you will be able to ask him questions then.

If you’re joining our book club and live chat by yourself, welcome, and all you have to do is log in to www.facebook.com/janegreenbookclub at 8pm EST on November 16th.

If you’re gathering friends to form a book club, or bringing an existing book club, we’ve put together a few guidelines on how to run your book club. Feel free to follow them, or abandon them completely! The important thing is you gather together good people, and have fun.

How Do I Run The Jane Green Book Club?

• We suggest you ask people to arrive at your home for your book club for 6.30 or 7pm, and bring their questions with them! Ensure you, as host, check your wifi connection beforehand. You will need a computer, laptop or ipad to join
the live chat with the author.
• 7pm – 8pm – Meet and greet in your home, and share your thoughts about the book with the group, and prepare questions.
• 8pm Log in to Facebook, and go to this page here:
• 8pm-9pm – Listen to Tom Perrotta talk about the book, and type in your questions. He may not be able to get to all of them, but will do his best.
• 9pm-10pm Continue talking about the book, with us online or amongst yourselves.

We hope you have a wonderful night, and can’t wait to hear about it. If you’re gathering friends, post photographs of your bookclub on instagram, twitter and facebook with the hashtags #janegreenbookclub #tomperrotta

Happy reading!

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Jane Green Book Club Launches in Westport, CT!

November 14th, 2017

We have officially kicked off the Jane Green Book Club with a party (and lots of wine!). Eighty women gathered together in Parker Mansion, in my home town of Westport, Connecticut, to toast this exciting new venture.

So why start a nationwide virtual book club? Because wherever we live, I think we are all going through the same thing…

When I first moved to suburbia, almost seventeen years ago, there were so many resources for the young yummy mommy. There were playgroups, and playdates, and meetings and classes. There were even mommy book clubs. I met my first friends here standing outside the doors of pre-school, waiting for the children to emerge. As time went by and our children went off to different schools, I saw those wonderful women less. Between working and raising those children, life got busier and busier, until suddenly those children are in high school and getting ready to leave, and my friends are nowhere to be found.

That last bit is not quite true, but what is true is that most of the women I know, myself included, are leading lives that are far more isolated than we ever expected. Age, stage, the busy-ness of life, and perhaps most of all, technology, have all contributed to a growing sense of loneliness. Many of us are hiding behind screens, iphones and ipads, instead of getting out and living life.

But My Life Is Too Busy To Join The Jane Green Book Club!

Someone once told me that after the age of forty, you can divide your life into three sections: family, friends, and work. But you can only ever successfully juggle two. For many of us, it is our friendships that get short shrift, even though as human beings, we need connection; we are built for connection; we long to connect.

Which is what the Jane Green Book Club is all about. Bringing women together over the love of a shared story, to share their own stories. It’s about community, connection, and looking after each other. All in the name of a good book. All you have to do to join is sign up by clicking the link on this page: Jane Green Book Club, and join us there on November 16th. You can join us by yourself, or – even better – invite some friends over and form a book club. We’ll all be reading the same book together!jane-green-book-club-kit-appetizers-food

How Does The Jane Green Book Club Work?

What makes the Jane Green Book Club different? Not only do we choose the book every month, but we also bring you the authors, live on Facebook video, so wherever you live, you can ask them your questions directly! During every book club, you can livestream the author and type your questions!

jane-green-book-club-party-meetingHere we have some pictures from our launch, from the wonderful women there (I wish I could share the incredible warmth that filled that room), to putting the kits together at my kitchen table, to the finished sample book club kit.

The book club kit will make the life of the busy woman easier – when you have 10-15 women coming over from book club and you have no time to shop, what could be better than coming home and finding a beautiful box filled with delicious goodies and treats, and some of my favorite things to make your home cozy and beautiful – a place where everyone feels good.

Do you know anyone who hosts a book club who might like one of these boxes? If so, tag them on the Jane Green Book Club page, underneath this same post!

Don’t forget, our first book club is 8pm (EST) live on the Jane Green Book Club Facebook page with Tom Perrotta who will be discussing his wonderful book (and our first book club choice), Mrs Fletcher! Like and follow the page to get all the updates, and sign up for the newsletter on that page to make sure you don’t miss anything!

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November 4th, 2017

I was in the hairdresser recently when a buzz of excitement went around the room. There was a woman in there who had false eyelashes, that were magnetic. We all huddled around her chair as she demonstrated how these eyelashes worked – tiny magnets were attached, and she snapped them above and below her eyelash.

I thought it was the most genius thing I had ever seen, particularly because my own eyelashes are short and stumpy, and I have long dreamed of the kind of luscious long lashes that I could pay for if I could be bothered to have eyelash extensions, but I cannot.

(I did try them once. It took over an hour, was deeply boring, and then all the eyelashes on one eye fell off within a week. The lashes on the other eye stayed on for a month. It was a disaster).

I promptly went online, and bought a set of magnetic eyelashes, which arrived, in beautiful packaging, a few days later. I had a cursory practice in front of the bathroom mirror, and it was not only easy, my eyelashes looked fantastic!

Later that night, I set off for a party at a new neighbor’s home. We hadn’t met before. I was dressed casually, apart from my fabulous new eyelashes. I wore sunglasses on the way there, and when we arrived and I took off my sunglasses, my son squinted and said there appeared to be something wrong with my eye.

I ran straight into the loo to check, but they looked fine. Bear in mind I am no longer young. Bear in mind my eyesight is pretty appalling. Bear in mind the loo was lit by a candle only.

I had a lovely time. I met all sorts of neighbors I had never met before, and chatted exuberantly with everyone. I deemed it a huge success until I got back home, and saw, in the bright light of my own bathroom mirror, that one magnetic eyelash had been hanging off for the entire evening.

I was mortified. I am mortified. I don’t think I will ever be able to see these neighbors again. I have now ordered something called Lash Boost made by Rodan & Fields, which is a potion that you brush on to your eyelashes at night, which is supposed to make them grow.

Perhaps, if they grow long enough, my magnetic eyelashes will have something to attach to, and I may get some use out of them after all.

Want these bookmarks? Giveaway below to celebrate the launch of the Jane Green Book Club.

The two things I love doing more than anything else, are reading, and cooking, and what better way to bring them together than in a book club.

I’m realizing how many women my age, whose children have grown and flown, are finding themselves increasingly isolated. We’re all hiding behind our computer screens and smartphones, most of us lonelier than we ever expected to be, so I’m on a miss

See More

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Behaving Badly

October 29th, 2017

I am beginning to realize that this column is becoming something of a confessional for me. Whenever I behave badly, I find myself writing it down without thinking too much about it. I now think perhaps my column ought to be renamed something along the lines of “Misadventures of a Menopausal Woman.”

This week, I have mostly been behaving well. Apart from one teensy, weensy, minor slip. It is regatta season again, and I was in charge of the food at last week’s regatta. The weather was going to be beautiful, we were expecting a huge crowd, and I planned my menu accordingly.

Some of you may remember that last season, a rowing mother took me aside to complain bitterly that my pancakes tasted of onion. Onion pancakes have now become something of an in-joke at the rowing club, and because I am a menopausal woman and I seem to have lost the ability to let anything go, I decided to add onion pancakes to the menu. This time, intentionally.

I sautéed a bunch of sliced onions with garlic, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, a pinch of cayenne pepper and a little brown sugar. I cooled them, then stirred in ricotta cheese, and added the entire mixture to a pancake mix (1 cup flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 2 tablespoons sugar, ½ teasoon salt mixed together, add in a beaten egg, 1 cup milk, 2 tablespoons melted butter. Stir until combined), with a heavy sprinkling of turmeric to turn them into a golden yellow. I fried them in olive oil, and they were fluffy, and spicy, and sweet, and utterly delicious.

Sadly, the woman who complained about the onion pancakes to begin with, wasn’t there, so I shall just have to make them again.

Onion pancakes aside, I was behaving quite well, and even managed to put up with the mansplaining. This is a very peculiar trope I have noticed in America – all men think they are expert grillmasters, even when they are terrible cooks, and understand nothing about seasoning, or indeed food. Some men I know truly are excellent grillmasters. My usual co-grillmaster who works with me when I do the regattas, is an extraordinarily gifted cook, who has taught me tremendous things about meat.

But there are a few men at this regatta who regularly elbow me out the way to take over the grill. They don’t actually say: “move over, l’il lady,” but I can hear them think it. One of them always lurks and comments on what I’m cooking with things like, “Oh, interesting. I never add salt to anything. I find most people don’t like salt.” I have taken to giving him withering stares in the hopes he will disappear.

This week, the mansplainers were up in arms over my grilled cheese sandwiches. Instead of butter on the outside, I used mayonnaise. Because it’s an emulsion, the oils in the mayonnaise stick to the food, and cause a Maillard reaction, turning the bread a rich golden brown. It works far better than butter, and you cannot taste the mayonnaise, but that was not good enough for the Mansplainers. They shook their heads in horror and muttered to each other about the mayo, as I felt my irritation rise.

I considered giving them a science lesson as every good menopausal woman should do, until I thought better of it. I had had my fun with the onion pancakes. It was time to call it a day.

Image may contain: table and food
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Kitchen Love

October 19th, 2017

Last week I got back from a college tour in California, and walked into my kitchen, having completely forgotten that we had renovated. Somehow the old kitchen with its ugly tile floor and falling-off cabinets had implanted itself in my head, and I walked in, momentarily delighted to see my kitchen again.

A couple of months on, this kitchen may be the best kitchen I have ever renovated, and I have renovated more than a few over the years. The Ilve Stove, aka The Sexy Beast, works just as beautifully as it looks, and I am back to cooking every night for the pack of kids (I have a bonus son for the next year, so we are back to five children at home. Long story. I shall save for another time).

I’ve even figured out how to use the French plate, although not without melting three plastic bottles and a packet of sea salt (that’s the problem with not using the French plate – it became an extra surface, and then I forgot it was on).

Every now and then I trawl the website of AJ Madison – the online store where I bought the Ilve – just to take a look at other stoves, to check I made the right decision, and I have yet to see anything more beautiful.

I have also learned the perils of a huge stainless steel counter when you have five cats, and have learned the easiest way to make that steel look as good as new. Johnson’s baby oil squeezed onto paper towel (not too much), shines the steel up beautifully. My wood-look tile and cabinets from Lowes are, if I do say so myself, genius. A tile floor with the number of bodies in this house, both four-legged and two-legged, is perhaps the most sensible decision I have ever made.

I am even training all the family to leave my beautiful Nantucket sink clean and empty, which is harder than it sounds. For some bizarre reason, everyone in my family goes through about four glasses of water each within the space of about two hours every evening, and each glass of water demands its own clean glass. The old glass is never put in the dishwasher, but left in the sink, and we are finally making some headway with the move towards the dishwasher.

Because we have had a garden filled with gorgeous flowers all summer, the vases on the island have been filled with fresh-cut flowers, although now we are heading into Autumn I am aiming to do something clever with white squash. I have no idea what it will be, only that I will doubtless be spending significant amounts of time on Pinterest for inspiration.

But mostly, the kitchen has done what it was supposed to, not just in terms of beauty, but in terms of gathering the people we love. The children no longer disappear up to their bedroom to do their homework alone after dinner, but sit around the kitchen table, working, and chatting, long into the evening. Friends have started dropping round again, and perch at the counter as I pour them a glass of rosé.

I said to Beloved at the beginning of the renovation, that once I had a new kitchen, I would be completely happy with the house and would never ask for anything again. So please don’t tell him that I am eyeing up the perfect spot for a sun room/dining room addition. Oh, and then there is the guest suite I’ve been thinking about adding above the garage…

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October 13th, 2017

I have long said that the single most important factor for a loving relationship is kindness; putting your spouse before yourself, making sure that their comfort and happiness is of paramount importance.

Most of the time I am very good at looking after my spouse and being kind to him. And some of the time I am not. I am ashamed to say that our recent trip home from Iceland was me behaving my worst, and I am only telling this story publicly in the hopes that I will somehow absolve myself of guilt, because I can’t be alone in the way that I reacted.

Beloved, as some of you may know, surprised us all by showing up in Iceland (points! So many points!). Because it was last-minute, there were no economy tickets left, so he booked the only ticket available, which was first class. I, on the other hand, was in Premium Economy, which I had flown on the way out, and it was all rather comfortable and fine. I didn’t mind that Beloved was flying first class and I was not. In fact, when he offered me the seat, I decided that he had been working so hard of late, he should keep the seat; he deserved it. Of course, I would have preferred that we sit together, but I didn’t need the first class food, I had my books, and I was planning to sleep much of the ride.

As we were waiting by the gate, I noticed a very glamorous, attractive woman. She was about my age, with long hair, big sunglasses, and a wickedly cool fur-trimmed parka. She had the sort of look that I sometimes aspire to, a sort of effortless casual cool, that looks as if you have just rolled out of bed looking perfect.

We all got on the plane, and I discovered I was not in the good Premium Economy seats (which were the same as First Class, but without the food), but in the small economy seats with extra leg room. I looked across the heads at First Class, and there was my husband, standing in the first row of his section, next to the gorgeous woman from the gate. They were both laughing at something, and I watched as they sat down in their giant, comfy seats, their heads bobbing as they chatting animatedly.

A stewardess came and offered them champagne, and handed them menus for their meal. I know all this because I kept standing up, muttering furiously as I looked across the seats to see what was happening over there.

My husband was having far too good a time. Not only was he flying in comfort, he now had a gorgeous companion, and I am ashamed to say, I felt a deep wave of resentment wash over me. And so, I reverted to my very worst behavior. Despite the fact that there was a loo next to my seat, I decided to go to the loo at the front of first class.

And when I came out, I could see my husband and his new best friend looking at me, clearly waiting for me to say hello, but I carried on walking past them as if I didn’t know anyone in first class, let alone my traitor of a husband.

Beloved came back and offered to swap seats, which of course I couldn’t possibly do, far too ashamed of my bad behavior. I am slightly worried he may never surprise us again so I may have to set new ground rules – whatever class we are flying, we must all fly together. And no-one is allowed to sit next to someone spectacularly attractive unless they are prepared to ignore them for the whole flight.

On that note, I shall also attempt to put my big girl pants on and act my age, rather than my shoe size.

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Book Club?

October 13th, 2017

Many of you know that my passions have long been community, and connection. I worry that by the time we hit mid-life, when our children have grown and flown, we are all increasingly isolated, hidden behind our computer screens and phones, forgetting how to connect, even though that’s what we long for.

It’s the reason why I started a creative co-working office space in my home town of Westport, CT, and the reason why, a few years ago, I started an active group in that same town that is now up to almost four thousand members. 

Today, I am thrilled to announce the start of something special, combining community, connection, and the other thing I truly love…books.

Most of you on here are huge readers. Because there’s nothing better than discussing books you love with other smart women, I am enormously excited to be launching The Jane Green Book Club. Every month we will pick a book, and get together to discuss it. If we’re very lucky, we may even get the occasional author to join in.

If you really want to make the most of it, bring your book groups on board, or start a Jane Green book club yourself, joining in the fun. I’ll be posting recipes and ideas for what to serve, and the occasional live chat with our guest authors.

I can’t wait to announce our first book. I read it recently and completely loved it. To find out what it is, make sure you like the Jane Green Book Club Page so you’ll be the first to hear.

Tag your friends who are big readers underneath this post, and click on this link, and like the page: Jane Green Book Club

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